
Boucherville - Graymont Western Canada's Plant in Faulkner, Manitoba has won the West Interlake Business Excellence Award 2006 for the municipality of Grahamdale.  Graymont's hard work, professionalism, commitment to their community, and high level of customer service were reasons cited for the selection.  The award was presented to Sirahuen Maldonado, Graymont plant manager at Faulkner.

On September 11, 2006 Graymont’s Tacoma plant was informed it had won the Mines Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) 2005 Sentinels of Safety Award. The Tacoma plant was the safest facility in Washington State in 2005 in the Large Metal Nonmetal Mill Group category. The award will be accepted by plant manager Paul Liner and members of the plant on behalf of all employees.

All at Graymont congratulate Paul and his team for winning this prestigious award. At Graymont, safety does come first.

Graymont Western Canada Inc. is pleased to announce signing a multi year agreement with Syncrude Canada Ltd. for the supply of high calcium quicklime to Syncrude’s future flue gas desulphurization plant located at Syncrude’s Mildred Lake plant site.

The agreement commences on the start up of Syncrude’s next fgd plant which is targeted for mid 2009. This unit is being retrofitted into Syncrude’s base plant operation to further reduce emissions, including sulphur dioxide.

A sacred ceremony was held today to honor the mountain that provides Graymont Western Canada Inc. with the ability to produce some of North America’s highest quality lime.

The Ts’kw’aylaxw First Nation members and their neighbours gathered in an arbour at the foot of the mountain to make an “offering to the spirit of the mountain”. Graymont’s plant is located on Ts’kw’aylaxw lands, between Cache Creek and Lillooet.

Graymont Western Canada Inc. is pleased to announce a multi-year term Agreement with Nexen Inc. to supply lime to Nexen’s Long Lake operation south of Ft. McMurray, Alberta.

Graymont’s Bedford plant has been congratulated for providing assistance during a potentially dangerous flooding situation in the town of Bedford. 2000 tonne of stone product was provided to the town to build a temporary dam that protected a medical clinic and pharmacy. The Bedford Municipal Council expressed their appreciation in a letter to plant manager Allen Walsh.

Graymont Western US Inc. is pleased to announce the completion of an agreement with Ash Grove Cement Company. As of June 1, 2006, Graymont will begin a multi-year lease of the storage, hydrating and bagging operations of Ash Grove's Rivergate plant in Portland, Oregon.

The addition of this facility provides Graymont with the storage necessary to efficiently meet the quicklime requirements of the Oregon market by shipping quicklime from its many production facilities.

A team from Graymont met today with the Standard Practices Committee members from Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation and the RBHCA (Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association of Saskatchewan) to examine the use of hydrated lime in hot mix asphalt. As part of its mission, the Standard Practices Committee promotes changes and improvements in contracts, general and special provisions, and other specifications through dialogue with the department of highways or other officials as necessary.

Graymont Western Canada Inc. is pleased to announce an agreement with the Athabasca Northern Railway (ANR) for a new lime transload terminal site just south of Fort McMurray, AB. This agreement provides Graymont with the rights to sufficient property for a full service lime transload terminal facility. This facility will efficiently transfer quicklime, limestone and other related products from railcar to truck for local delivery to customers in the region.

Graymont Materials continues to expand its profit centers by adding Redi-Rock, the largest and most popular retaining wall system in North America, to its arsenal of products.