Lime and Limestone in Glass Manufacturing

A commercially important property of lime is its ability to form solutions with silicates.

Plate Glass Construction

When lime is heated with silica sand (SiO2) and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), a solution is formed that does not crystallize when cooled. Instead, it hardens to an amorphous, clear and nearly colorless solid - namely, glass.

Because it is a mixture and not a pure compound, glass does not have a distinct melting point; it gradually softens as it is heated. Therefore, it can be molded and blown into many useful shapes. The production of container glass from lime is another ancient use of lime.

A range of chemical limestone, dolomite and lime product types are available for general applications and achieving various properties such as flux capture, color, managing viscosity, improving durability and chemical resistance.

Refer to the related products shown or contact our sales team to enquire about our lime products for the glass manufacturing industry. 

Recycled Glass

Did you know?

After processing, products derived from limestone can eventually revert to their original chemical form by reacting with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or from industrial processes.